Odoo Functional Training

Odoo Functional Training

Basic functional of Accounting, Inventory, Sale, Purchase, Manufacturing, and PoS Setup Accounting Report: Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss, Cashflow, and GL Configure Tax, Price List, Warehouse, etc

Source: https://tutorialopenerp.wordpress.com/

Responsible Administrator
Last Update 01/12/2022
Completion Time 6 hours 27 minutes
Members 2
Basic Intermediate Odoo 12 Odoo 13 Odoo 14 Odoo 15
  • Day - 1 : Introduction
    • Preview
    • Introduction 2 - Activate The Developer Mode
    • Introduction 3 - Search Box
    • Introduction 4 - Filters
    • Introduction 5 - Group By
    • Introduction 6 - Customer Information
    • Introduction 7 - Make to Vendor
    • Introduction 8 - Category Product
    • Introduction 9 - Duplicate Product
    • Introduction 10 - View Chart
    • Introduction 11 - View Metadata
    • Introduction 12 - Date Format & Separator
    • Introduction 13 - Notes
    • Introduction 14 - My Dashboard
    • Introduction 15 - Edit Tree View
    • Introduction 16 - Odoo App Store
  • Day - 2 : CRM
    • Preview
    • CRM 2 - Home Action
    • CRM 3 - Change Language
    • CRM 4 - Create a New Lead
    • CRM 5 - Convert Leads to Opportunity
    • CRM 6 - Schedule Meeting
    • CRM 7 - Make Quotation from Oppurtunity
  • Day - 3 : Sales
    • Preview
    • Sales 2 - Import Customers
    • Sales 3 - Category Product
    • Sales 4 - Create New Products
    • Sales 5 - Update Qty On Hand
    • Sales 6 - Quotations
    • Sales 7 - Invoicing From Sales Order
    • Sales 8 - Invoice Policy & Customer Lead Time
    • Sales 9 - Payment Term
    • Sales 10 - Currency Pricelist
    • Sales 11 - Margins Sales Order & Shipping Cost
  • Day - 4 : Purchase
    • Preview
    • Purchase 2 - Create New Vendors
    • Purchase 3 - Import Vendors
    • Purchase 4 - Searching Vendor
    • Purchase 5 - Category Product
    • Purchase 6 - Create New Product
    • Purchase 7 - Update Qty on Hand
    • Purchase 8 - Purchase Order
    • Purchase 9 - Purchase Agreements
    • Purchase 10 - Vendor Bills From Purchase
    • Purchase 11 - Double Approval, Warning, Lock Order
  • Day - 5 : Pricelist
    • Preview
    • Pricelist 2 - Amount Discount
    • Pricelist 3 - Fix Price
    • Pricelist 4 - By Product or Category
    • Pricelist 5 - Minimum Qty
    • Pricelist 6 - Vendor Pricelist By Date
  • Day - 6 : Human Resources
    • Preview
    • Human Resources 2 - Group Manager
    • Human Resources 3 - Create New Employees
    • Human Resources 4 - Expenses
    • Human Resources 5 - Leave Types
    • Human Resources 6 - Leaves Allocation
    • Human Resources 7 - Leaves Request
    • Human Resources 8 - Recruitment
    • Human Resources 9 - Timesheets
    • Human Resources 10 - Salary Rules
    • Human Resources 11 - Salary Structures
    • Human Resources 12 - Contracts
    • Human Resources 13 - Payroll
  • Day - 7 : Accounting
    • Preview
    • Accounting 1.2 - Chart of Accounts Heirarchy
    • Accounting 2 - Opening Balance
    • Accounting 3 - Create New Accounts
    • Accounting 4 - Create New Journals
    • Accounting 5 - Customer Invoices
    • Accounting 6 - Vendor Bills
    • Accounting 7 - Cash Register
    • Accounting 8.1 - Bank Statement
    • Accounting 8.2 - Bank Statement (Full Payment)
    • Accounting 8.3 - Bank Statement (Partial Payment)
    • Accounting 9.1 - Pay Invoice with Register Payment
    • Accounting 9.2 - Pay Invoice with Payment (Full)
    • Accounting 9.3 - Pay Invoice with Payment (1 Invoice 2 Payments)
    • Accounting 9.4 - Pay Invoice with Payment (1 Payment 2 Invoices)
    • Accounting 10 - Import Payment from Bank Statement
    • Accounting 11.1 - Liquidity Transfers (Bank)
    • Accounting 11.2 - Liquidity Transfers (Cash)
    • Accounting 13 - PDF Reports
    • Accounting 14 - Asset
    • Accounting 15 - Budget
    • Accounting 16 - Sales and Purchase Receipts
    • Accounting 17 - Invoices and Bills Analysis
    • Accounting 18 - Reconciliation Models
    • Accounting 19 - Multi Currencies
    • Accounting 20 - Multi Companies